
MenuItem extends MenuItem
in package

Class created by Core/Base/PluginDeploy


FacturaScripts [email protected]

Table of Contents

$active  : bool
Indicates whether it is activated or not.
$icon  : string
Fontawesome font icon of the menu option.
$menu  : array<string|int, MenuItem>
List of menu options for the item.
$name  : string
Identifying name of the element.
$title  : string
Title of the menu option.
$url  : string
URL for the href of the menu option.
__construct()  : mixed
Build and fill the main values of the Item.



Indicates whether it is activated or not.

public bool $active


Fontawesome font icon of the menu option.

public string $icon


List of menu options for the item.

public array<string|int, MenuItem> $menu


Identifying name of the element.

public string $name


Title of the menu option.

public string $title


URL for the href of the menu option.

public string $url



Build and fill the main values of the Item.

public __construct(string $name, string $title, string $url[, string $icon = 'fas fa-file' ]) : mixed
$name : string
$title : string
$url : string
$icon : string = 'fas fa-file'
Return values

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