Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- AdminPlugins
- AdminPlugins.
- ApiCreateFacturaCliente
- ApiExportFacturaCliente
- ApiRoot
- ConfigEmail
- Controller to edit main settings
- CopyModel
- Description of CopyModel
- Cron
- Dashboard
- Description of Dashboard
- Deploy
- DocumentStitcher
- Class DocumentStitcher
- EditAgenciaTransporte
- Controller to edit a single item from the AgenciaTransporte model
- EditAgente
- Controller to edit a single item from the Agente model
- EditAlbaranCliente
- Description of EditAlbaranCliente
- EditAlbaranProveedor
- Description of EditAlbaranProveedor
- EditAlmacen
- Controller to edit a single item from the Almacen model
- EditApiKey
- Controller to edit a single item from the ApiKey model.
- EditAsiento
- Description of EditAsiento
- EditAtributo
- Controller to edit a single item from the Atributo model
- EditAttachedFile
- Controller to edit a single item from the AttachedFile model
- EditCiudad
- EditCiudad
- EditCliente
- Controller to edit a single item from the Cliente model
- EditCodigoPostal
- Controller to manage the data editing
- EditConceptoPartida
- Controller to edit a single item from the Concepto Partida model
- EditContacto
- Controller to edit a single item from the Contacto model
- EditCronJob
- Description of EditCronJob
- EditCuenta
- Controller to edit a single item from the Cuenta model
- EditCuentaBanco
- Controller to edit a single item from the CuentaBanco model
- EditCuentaEspecial
- Controller to edit a single item from the CuentaEspecial model
- EditDiario
- Controller to edit a single item from the Diario model
- EditDivisa
- Controller to edit a single item from the Divisa model
- EditEjercicio
- Controller to edit a single item from the Ejercicio model
- EditEmailNotification
- Description of EditEmailNotification
- EditEmailSent
- Controller to edit a single register of EmailSent
- EditEmpresa
- Controller to edit a single item from the Empresa model
- EditEstadoDocumento
- Controller to edit a single item from the EstadoDocumento model
- EditFabricante
- Controller to edit a single item from the Fabricante model
- EditFacturaCliente
- Description of EditFacturaCliente
- EditFacturaProveedor
- Description of EditFacturaProveedor
- EditFamilia
- Controller to edit a single item from the Familia model
- EditFormaPago
- Controller to edit a single item from the FormaPago model
- EditFormatoDocumento
- Controller to edit a single item from the FormaPago model
- EditGrupoClientes
- Controller to edit a single item from the GrupoClientes model
- EditImpuesto
- Controller to edit a single item from the Impuesto model
- EditLogMessage
- Controller to edit a single item from the LogMessage model
- EditPageOption
- Edit option for any page.
- EditPais
- Controller to edit a single item from the Pais model
- EditPedidoCliente
- Description of EditPedidoCliente
- EditPedidoProveedor
- Description of EditPedidoProveedor
- EditPresupuestoCliente
- Description of EditPresupuestoCliente
- EditPresupuestoProveedor
- Description of EditPresupuestoProveedor
- EditProducto
- Controller to edit a single item from the EditProducto model
- EditProveedor
- Controller to edit a single item from the Proveedor model
- EditProvincia
- Controlador para la ediciĆ³n de un registro del modelo de Provincia
- EditPuntoInteresCiudad
- Controller to manage the data editing
- EditReciboCliente
- Description of EditReciboCliente
- EditReciboProveedor
- Description of EditReciboProveedor
- EditRetencion
- Controller to edit a single item from the Retencion model
- EditRole
- Controller to edit a single item from the Role model.
- EditSecuenciaDocumento
- Controller to edit a single item from the SecuenciaDocumento model.
- EditSerie
- Controller to edit a single item from the Serie model
- EditSettings
- Controller to edit main settings
- EditSubcuenta
- Controller to edit a single item from the SubCuenta model
- EditTarifa
- Controller to edit a single item from the Tarifa model
- EditUser
- Controller to edit a single item from the User model
- EditWorkEvent
- Controller to manage the data editing
- Files
- Installer
- ListAgenciaTransporte
- Controller to list the items in the AgenciaTransporte model
- ListAgente
- Controller to list the items in the Agentes model
- ListAlbaranCliente
- Controller to list the items in the AlbaranCliente model
- ListAlbaranProveedor
- Controller to list the items in the AlbaranProveedor model
- ListAlmacen
- Controller to list the items in the Almacen model
- ListAsiento
- Controller to list the items in the Asiento model
- ListAtributo
- Controller to list the items in the Atributo model
- ListAttachedFile
- Controller to list the items in the AttachedFile model
- ListCliente
- Controller to list the items in the Cliente model
- ListCuenta
- Controller to list the items in the Cuenta model.
- ListEjercicio
- Controller to list the items in the Ejercicio model
- ListEmpresa
- Controller to list the items in the Empresa model
- ListFabricante
- Controller to list the items in the Fabricante model
- ListFacturaCliente
- Controller to list the items in the FacturaCliente model
- ListFacturaProveedor
- Controller to list the items in the FacturaProveedor model
- ListFamilia
- Controller to list the items in the Familia model
- ListFormaPago
- Controller to list the items in the FormaPago model
- ListImpuesto
- Controller to list the items in the Impuesto model
- ListLogMessage
- Controller to list the items in the LogMessage model
- ListPais
- Controller to list the items in the Pais model
- ListPedidoCliente
- Controller to list the items in the PedidoCliente model
- ListPedidoProveedor
- Controller to list the items in the PedidoProveedor model
- ListPresupuestoCliente
- Controller to list the items in the PresupuestoCliente model
- ListPresupuestoProveedor
- Controller to list the items in the PresupuestoProveedor model
- ListProducto
- Controller to list the items in the Producto model
- ListProveedor
- Controller to list the items in the Proveedor model
- ListSerie
- Controller to list the items in the Serie model
- ListTarifa
- Controller to list the items in the Tarifa model
- ListUser
- Controller to list the items in the User model
- Login
- MegaSearch
- Controller to perform searches on the page
- Myfiles
- ReportProducto
- Description of ReportProducto
- ReportTaxes
- Description of ReportTaxes
- Root
- Class from which all FacturaScripts controllers must inherit.
- SendMail
- Description of SendMail
- Updater
- Description of Updater
- Wizard
- Description of Wizard