- Base
- Join
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- AgenciaTransporte
- Merchandise transport agency.
- Agente
- Un agente es una persona física o jurídica que actúa como comercial
y se le puede dar una comisión.
- AlbaranCliente
- Customer's delivery note or delivery note. Represents delivery to a customer
of a material that has been sold to you. It implies the exit of this material
from the company's warehouse.
- AlbaranProveedor
- Delivery note or purchase order. Represents the reception
of a material that has been purchased. It implies the entry of that material
to the warehouse.
- Almacen
- The warehouse where the items are physically.
- ApiAccess
- Defines the individual permissions for each resrouce within an api key.
- ApiKey
- ApiKey model to manage the connection tokens through the api
that will be generated to synchronize different applications.
- Asiento
- The accounting entry. It is related to an exercise and consists of games.
- Atributo
- Un atributo para artículos.
- AtributoValor
- A Value for an article attribute.
- AttachedFile
- Class to manage attached files.
- AttachedFileRelation
- Description of AttachedFileRelation
- Ciudad
- Ciudad
- Cliente
- The client. You can have one or more associated addresses and accounts.
- CodeModel
- Auxiliary model to load a list of codes and their descriptions
- CodigoPostal
- The class from which all models inherit, connects to the database,
check the structure of the table and if necessary create or adapt.
- ConceptoPartida
- A predefined concept for a line item (the line of an accounting entry).
- Contacto
- Description of crm_contacto
- CronJob
- Class to store log information when a plugin is executed from cron.
- Cuenta
- First level of the accounting plan.
- CuentaBanco
- A bank account of the company itself.
- CuentaBancoCliente
- A bank account of a client.
- CuentaBancoProveedor
- A bank account of a provider.
- CuentaEspecial
- Allows to relate special accounts (SALES, for example)
with the real account or subaccount.
- Diario
- A division of accounting entries in different journals
- Divisa
- A currency with its symbol and its conversion rate with respect to the euro.
- DocTransformation
- A model to manage the transformations of documents. For example aprove order to delivery note.
- Ejercicio
- Accounting year. It is the period in which accounting entry, invoices, delivery notes are grouped .
- EmailNotification
- Description of EmailNotification
- EmailSent
- Model EmailSent
- Empresa
- This class stores the main data of the company.
- EstadoDocumento
- Defines the status and attributes of a purchase or sale document.
- Fabricante
- A manufacturer of products.
- FacturaCliente
- Customer's invoice.
- FacturaProveedor
- Invoice from a supplier.
- Familia
- A family of products.
- FormaPago
- Payment method of an invoice, delivery note, order or estimation.
- FormatoDocumento
- Model to personalize the print format of sales and buy documents.
- GrupoClientes
- A group of customers, which may be associated with a rate.
- IdentificadorFiscal
- Description of IdentificadorFiscal
- Impuesto
- A tax (VAT) that can be associated to articles, delivery notes lines,
invoices, etc.
- ImpuestoZona
- A tax (VAT) that can be associated to tax, country, province, and.
- LineaAlbaranCliente
- Line of a customer's delivery note.
- LineaAlbaranProveedor
- Line of a supplier's delivery note.
- LineaFacturaCliente
- Line of a customer invoice.
- LineaFacturaProveedor
- Line of a supplier invoice.
- LineaPedidoCliente
- Customer order line
- LineaPedidoProveedor
- Supplier order line.
- LineaPresupuestoCliente
- Customer estimation line.
- LineaPresupuestoProveedor
- Supplier order line.
- LogMessage
- Model to persist data from logs.
- Page
- Element of the menu of InvoiceScripts, each corresponds to a controller.
- PageFilter
- Visual filter configuration of the FacturaScripts views,
each PageFilter corresponds to a view or tab filter.
- PageOption
- Visual configuration of the FacturaScripts views,
each PageOption corresponds to a view or tab.
- PagoCliente
- Description of PagoCliente
- PagoProveedor
- Description of PagoProveedor
- Pais
- A country, for example Spain.
- Partida
- The line of an accounting entry.
- PedidoCliente
- Customer order.
- PedidoProveedor
- Supplier order.
- PresupuestoCliente
- Customer estimation.
- PresupuestoProveedor
- Supplier order.
- Producto
- Stores the data of an article.
- ProductoImagen
- Description of ProductoImagen
- ProductoProveedor
- Description of ProductoProveedor
- Proveedor
- A supplier. It can be related to several addresses or accounts.
- Provincia
- A province.
- PuntoInteresCiudad
- The class from which all models inherit, connects to the database,
check the structure of the table and if necessary create or adapt.
- ReciboCliente
- Description of ReciboCliente
- ReciboProveedor
- Description of ReciboProveedor
- RegularizacionImpuesto
- Tax regularization.
- Retencion
- Class to manage the data of retenciones table
- Role
- Define a permission package to quickly assign users.
- RoleAccess
- Defines the individual permissions for each page within a user role.
- RoleUser
- Defines the relationship between a user and a role.
- SecuenciaDocumento
- Personalize the numeration and code of sale and purchase documents.
- Serie
- A series of invoicing or accounting, to have different numbering
in each series.
- Settings
- Description of Settings
- Stock
- The quantity in inventory of an item in a particular warehouse.
- Subcuenta
- Detail level of an accounting plan. It is related to a single account.
- Tarifa
- A fee for the products.
- TotalModel
- Auxiliary model to load a list of totals
with or without grouping by code.
- User
- Usuario de FacturaScripts.
- Variante
- Define method and attributes of table variantes.
- WorkEvent
- The class from which all models inherit, connects to the database,
check the structure of the table and if necessary create or adapt.